So, I was watching Dr. Phil the other day (shut up) and it was about this new show The Locator. There were 5 sisters on there who had not seen each other for 20 years, and this guy, The Locator, found them all. And reunited them.
Now, I can joke all I want and say I would have loved to be an only child. I mean, it was rough growing up with 3 sisters. There was "the oldest", "the perfect one" and the "smart one", otherwise known as Stephanie, Kim and Robin. I was in there somewhere, not sure of my "title", not sure I want to know. I do know I was mostly difficult, moody, bitchy and probably kinda mean at times. I always felt "apart" from these girls, like I had been beamed down from outer space into this family. I spent countless hours wondering why I wasn't, or couldn't be, more like them. Jealous as hell of all three of you for whatever it was that you had that I didn't.
Whatever...I grew up (sort of) and got over it.
So after watching these 5 sisters that had all grown up without each other, I started thinking about these girls I had grown up with and wondered...could I have made it through the last 20 years without them??
Oh, we're all different, have our own views, raise our kids differently, have our own ways to live our lives. But that's what makes it so perfect. I can get three different answers to a question and pick the one I like best. Whatever my problem is at the time I can call any one of them and know they've either been thru something like it or know someone who has and can talk me thru it.
I have learned how lucky I am to have all three of them. They have been with me thru child raising, marriage, divorce, death and the dreaded teenage years. I know that I can call any one of them for help if I need it. (Not that I would, HELLO! I still have an aversion to that) I know that if I ever needed a shoulder to cry on, (oh please. like I would. I haven't cried in YEARS) any one of them would be there. If I had a heart, instead of an empty chest cavity, and it got broken, they would do their best to cheer me up. I know that no matter what choices I make, these women will stand behind me. They WILL tell me what they think of those choices, and I wouldn't have it any other way, but they will stick with me. We annoy each other sometimes, we don't always agree. But we also laugh together, cry together and live together. What more could I ask for? (Maybe a Cowboy, but that's a different story)
The choices I make define how I live my life. But what defines me? The people I love. How lucky am I to have had these 3 women, all amazing in their own way, help to define me? I have something a lot of people don't...and I'll never forget that again.
Thank you, my sisters, for everything you do, for everything you are, and everything I will be because of you. I love you.