Monday, December 22, 2008

Here's today's lesson boys and girls, friends and family.
When you have had a very long day at work, and you are driving home through a blizard, and you stop at the store because you need something for dinner and you want a gigantanormous cheeseburger....make SURE the the package you pick up says ground BEEF, not ground PORK. And maybe you want to check said package BEFORE you make the patties and start cooking them, not grabbing the wrapper out of the garbage AFTER the things are halfway cooked because you know SOMETHING is weird.
Pork burgers..or porkers as heather now calls them, are not all that great. Drown them in whatever you want...they are not anything like a CHEESEBURGER!! You can put them in a hamburger bun and eat them with barbeque chips, and tell yourself the whole time that its a cheeseburger, but it just doesn't cut it. Yes...I ate it, but I was starving and there was nothing else in the house.
There's today's cooking lesson from yours truly.
Have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

if you put the right spices on it, it would have tasted like a sausage burger. it's not going to work joann, you still have to bring the potatoes for xmas.

JoAnn said...


Amy said...

JoAnn~ because of your lesson I will never make the same mistake! I love pork, but your right when you want a cheeseburger~ pork isn't going to cut! Keep those life lessons coming I really enjoy learning from them! And remember bacon on top of a cheese burger~ GOOD!- Pork burger with no Ham~ BAD!

Amy said...

OMG I just noticed the cows you have pictured at the top of your blog to funny!

Heather said...

Let me just say. I WILL NEVER LET HER LIVE IT DOWN. For once it wasnt me making the "dumb a**" mistake in the house.

Anonymous said...

I am still shocked that you thought it was hamburger. You scare me sometimes....