Monday, December 22, 2008

Here's today's lesson boys and girls, friends and family.
When you have had a very long day at work, and you are driving home through a blizard, and you stop at the store because you need something for dinner and you want a gigantanormous cheeseburger....make SURE the the package you pick up says ground BEEF, not ground PORK. And maybe you want to check said package BEFORE you make the patties and start cooking them, not grabbing the wrapper out of the garbage AFTER the things are halfway cooked because you know SOMETHING is weird.
Pork burgers..or porkers as heather now calls them, are not all that great. Drown them in whatever you want...they are not anything like a CHEESEBURGER!! You can put them in a hamburger bun and eat them with barbeque chips, and tell yourself the whole time that its a cheeseburger, but it just doesn't cut it. Yes...I ate it, but I was starving and there was nothing else in the house.
There's today's cooking lesson from yours truly.
Have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fixin' It

Me: "If I can't fix it, no one's gonna"
Mom: big sigh..."You are JUST like your father"
This conversation happened a few years ago. I don't remember the problem I had at the could have been anything. Or anyone. Duane, Heather, work, money, life, anything. I just remember feeling that if I couldn't fix my problem, I wasn't going to let anyone else either.
I haven't changed, if any of you are wondering.
And, hey, being JUST like my father is not a bad thing. He's the only man who has stuck by me my whole life, no matter what. I'm sure it wasn't easy. Hell, I know it wasn't. More on that in another post.

Back to fixing things. Unfortunately, in the last few years I have realized...there are some things you just can't fix, no matter what.
Sometimes, i had days where i felt like superwoman. I can change the spark plugs in my car if i have to. I can fix my vacuum cleaner. I have raised a child on my own. And during all this i worked. i started at the bottom and have worked my way up to where i am now. That may not be some peoples version of superwoman...but the chick on the tv show only had to stay skinny to look good in the suit, and she had stunt doubles. So I got her beat.
I can't fix the way other people choose to live their life. I couldn't fix my husband. I tried. Man..I tried. Lost a lot during that period. Mostly a lot of myself. And the biggest damn TV you ever saw. I miss that tv. thank god I'm better at divorce than i am at some back. heh heh. You hear sometimes that love can fix stuff. When yours can't you definitely feel like less of a person somehow. You sure as hell don't feel like superwoman. I couldn't fix him, but that's something I can and did get over.
This I can't get over. I can't fix someone else's broken heart. I can't take away the pain. I struggle with this every day. When it comes to my family and the people that I love, it just comes down to this. I want to protect them, make them happy, fix whatever is hurting them and I can't. For some reason, I feel like I SHOULD be able to do all of this. I SHOULD be able to have an answer, a solution, a reason. I SHOULD have whatever it takes to make it right again. I don't know why I feel like I should have all these powers, I'm not, know...that GUY. So during the moments when I remember I can't fix all this stuff, I just feel, useless.

That's the fixin it (or not) lesson. Sucks, don't it?

There are little bright moments though. Evil Vicky and her smug husband were NOT the biggest losers and went home empty handed. Some things at least, turn out right.